Last week I was challenged by my own coach to make a list of things I enjoy doing for fun. At first, I was taken aback by this. Fun? What's that?
I had to sit there perplexed for a moment before my coach had me turn it into an exercise that helped me define what fun was to me today.
I would like to share the exercise with you today in the hope it can help awaken your inner child and bring some fun back into your life.
The first thing I would like you to do is to get a piece of paper. I feel like this is one of those exercises that need to be written down.
Define what the word fun means to you. This is important. Once you have a strong definition that is related to you, continue on with the exercise.
Create 3 columns or sections and name them in this order:
- Things I have enjoyed for fun (Past)
- Things I do for fun now (Present)
- Things I would like to try for fun (Future)
You want to have a minimum of 25 things that are considered fun to you. These 25 items can be scattered between the 3 columns. You can write as many as you like but shoot for 25 to start.
Now you are probably sitting there thinking, this is hard. And to be honest, that is okay. I had some trouble too. But I want to give you some ideas on things that can be fun because you want to be able to implement some of these things into your daily life.
You don't want all of your fun activities to require lots of planning and money to happen. You want to focus on fun items that are available to you now.
Here are some examples:
- Crocheting
- Dancing (In your living room of course!)
- Singing
- Painting
- Visiting local attractions
- Hiking
- Going out to eat
- Roller skating
- Coloring
- Having a get together with friends
Now that you have defined what fun is to you and made your list of 25 or more items I want you to pick 10 of them that you can implement into your life over the next 30 days. Some of them should be things you can do daily to bring fun into your life (Like dancing in your living room!).
I can't wait to hear about all of the fun things you implement into your life and would love to hear some of your plans. Leave them in the comments! Let's bring joy and fun to everyone who reads this!
Have fun creating!