Stepping out of the Darkness into the Light

How many times have you felt like you needed to re-introduce yourself to the world? I hope the answer to that is more than once. Why you ask?

Every day is a new opportunity to grow and become a better version of yourself. That doesn't mean everyday people will see you as a new person, but you are working towards that next part of you. Leveling up if you will. 

I often refer to these introductions as stepping out of the darkness into the light. We are stepping out of the shadow of our old selves into the light of our next level up. And this can also mean that something you have been working on for YEARS can finally make sense to you and you step into it. 

This can be something like a belief you have. Maybe you are afraid to show the talent you have to the world because you are afraid of what others may think. You continue to hide it, even though you REALLY love it and you slowly feel like you are lying to yourself and those you love. 

This feeling can keep you stuck in that area of your life. You may not be able to move forward because of that. Maybe the talent is an amazing business opportunity, but again, you are afraid of what others think. You also dislike your current job. You wish you could do something else. 

Because you are hiding your talent, which could potentially become a business venture, you may continue to stay stuck in your career. You stay at jobs you don't like because you have to have a job. You aren't trusting yourself enough to take the leap on your talent. 

Do you see where that is all leading?

So let me ask you a question.

When was the last time you did something you REALLY loved?

I mean, your heart was so full, you felt like fireworks were going off around you and you just knew this was your jam? 

That's the kind of love I am asking about. 

I have found as I have talked to people over the last 2 years that they realized how much of themselves they had been hiding from the world. Talents, hobbies, points of joy. Things that light them up and make them extremely happy to get up every day. 

You need to step out of that darkness of being afraid and into the light where your heart is full. 

This is a lesson I learned recently myself. I pushed away a business name for YEARS because I never thought it was good enough. Didn't think it was professional. Was afraid no one would want to work with me. I FINALLY change my social media handles to Zen Between the Chaos after an ah-ha moment right before Christmas. Since I did that, I have had more inspiration, more ideas, and more support than I ever thought possible. 

This blog will also be The Trish List, but if you have been here a while you probably noticed, I have referenced it as my zen between the chaos for a few years. It is even in my little bio. The name haunted me for so long as a business name. 

I stepped out into the light and it is all falling into place now. I am ready to share that business with the world and I am no longer afraid of what people will think. A new website is coming soon. I will explain more soon!

Step out into the light friends! Chat soon!

Trish List signature

It's my 6th Blogiversary!

You may call me cheesy for this one, but 6 years ago today, I graced your presence for the first time here on the interwebs. It's legit, here's my first post: Welcome, Welcome To My New Home!

I don't know about you, but just that sentence up there makes me sound old. HAHA. 

Truth of the matter is, a lot of people don't make it past a year in blogging. They start for fun, then it becomes a job they didn't expect it to be, and then they burn out. I know, I have been there millions of times over the past 6 years. I never gave up on this space though.

Just thinking about how different blogging was in general when I started to how it is today is mind blowing. I remember buying ads on other peoples blogs in hopes that someone would click on it and find me. That still exists to a point, but it isn't as popular amongst bloggers as it was then. 

There definitely wasn't TikTok. I went hard on Twitter though. I got a lot of my traffic from there. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.. scheduling those all tweets every hour. Quotes, sharing other people's posts, and of course my own. Oh the memories! Fun fact: I once won a contest on twitter with a scheduled tweet. 

This blog has seen many phases of my life. I was just looking at the pages I created and made active and inactive over the years. My thrifty/freebie page did really well. Not sure why I stopped doing that. I'm still a thrifter who loves a good freebie. 

I did the fashion/Stitch Fix thing. I styled the clothes and posted photos of myself in them, back before I had a baby. Now I'm just hoping to lose the baby weight one day. 

I was offered sponsored posts. I did a few and they were fun, but it wasn't something I could keep up with at the time. I always felt like I was being pulled in a million directions. I give all you mamas out there who hustle with the kids, the posts, the jobs, and whatever else gets thrown at you. It definitely isn't easy. 

My blogging came to a screeching halt once my little one was born. I suffered hardcore postpartum depression and went through some rough times that never lead me back to blogging regularly. I showed up here and there when I thought I had something to say. It's worked for me. 

The little one turned 3 last month. We are a year into a pandemic. I lost a job. Started a new one. 2020 decided I needed to think hard about my future. 2021 kicked me into starting my own business as a result of 2020. Then 2021 said, why not get your life coaching certification too?! Why not! You only live once right?

And here I am, after all the crazy, 6 years in wanting to blog again. Wanting to share my stories and my craziness with you all. I haven't figured it out 100% yet, but I have committed to posting once a week for now. Maybe twice if I get excited. 

So thanks to all of you who have been with me for the long haul. Welcome to those who are new and have no idea what I am talking about. I can't wait to see what the next 6 years look like (or 6 months? LOL). 

See ya around! 

Trish List signature

Becoming a Virtual Assistant | 5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

Starting Your Own Business

The year 2020 transitioned a lot of people from full-time employees in an office to being remote employees learning how to navigate all aspects of their businesses online. 2020 also saw a surge of new entrepreneurs starting online businesses to ensure they had a job that would keep them safe at home. 

I was one of those who realized after losing my job due to the pandemic, and taking a new position in a remote setting, that I could help people navigating the new world of business online. People ask me all the time why I decided to do this. They also want to know where to start. Here are a few reasons why I started a business and why you should to. 

5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

Your "Why"

We all have reasons to start a business. The most important reason to start a business is your "why". Why do you want to do this? For me, I have always had this feeling I would have my own business one day. When I lost my job during the pandemic, I knew it was time to take the steps. I was never 100% clear on what my business would be, but I knew I wanted to help people. Becoming a virtual assistant in a world that suddenly became very virtual, made sense to me. I had the skills to offer and I had people looking for my help. 


Starting a business is a lot of work. Some days you can work from the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed and still feel like you got nothing done. That is a true fact. But the thing is, you get to decide that. Even if you do work 12 hour days, no one else is telling you to do that. You are flexible to make your own schedule. That is a great feeling.


Life in itself is already an adventure, but starting a business brings on new exciting things to explore. You learn to become a leader. You learn that hard work pays off. You get to reward yourself and those who are helping you along the way. You get to learn how to fail. Failure in itself is an adventure. It brings on growth. You learn from your mistakes and take it to the next level. The hard stuff and the great stuff come together and create balance. Whew, what an adventure that is!


Building a business that people recognize and love is a great feeling. Maybe you create something that makes a difference in the people's lives who use your product. Maybe you help someone get ahead in their own business and they are forever grateful. You yourself will feel gratitude for the opportunities that come into your life and those you help will hold gratitude for you. It is a great feeling. 

Make the Choice that Works for You

There are many reasons why I made the choice. But that was the point. It was MY choice. It isn't always easy and there are days I doubt my choice, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It is a learning opportunity and there is a lot of growth associated with it. 

Have you considered starting a business? Are any of the five reasons I mentioned your reasons? Let me know in the comments!

Trish List signature

Journey to Becoming a Spiritual Coach | Introduction

This week started the first week of my journey to become a certified spiritual coach. This is something I have been working towards for a couple of years as I became clear on exactly what it was I wanted to do once I got certified. 

The picture isn't crystal clear, but I will be working with women who want to work through and heal from emotional trauma. I will be utilizing the tools I have already learned through yoga, reiki, and meditation and blending it with the coaching. My dream is to create a program that will nourish and support women who want to work on themselves to create the life they imagined for themselves.  

I will be using this blog as a way to document my progress over the next 6 months. Before I stopped writing in this space regularly, I was headed towards writing more about wellness, yoga, and holistic practices. I am going to continue on that path. 

I always enjoyed coming to this space and sharing my journey. I hope you come along with me as I grow into this new phase of my life. 

Namaste and love, 
Trish List signature

Life is an Adventure | Finding My Voice

I stayed pretty quiet in 2020. Not because I had nothing to say, but because I needed time to sort some things out. Nothing is ever as it seems and remembering to honor that is important. Looking at my last post in September, I can tell I am on the right path. This will be a sort of follow up. 

I am going to ramble on for a few minutes here, so bear with me.

I have thought about all of the things I have done with my life up until now. I wouldn't call my life boring for the most part, I would mostly call it growth. 

When I started blogging in 2014, the blogging space was very different. I started to blog because it was a fun way to connect with people and share glimpses of my, at the time, very mundane life. It worked though. I had a lot to say and it was a lot of fun.

By doing so, I have been able to pinpoint what was going on in my life by looking back to my blog. I noticed that even when I slowed down posting here, I always came back when I needed to say something important. 

I now realize, that this space is how I used my voice. I shared glimpses of my life: my struggles and my happiness, here, for the world to read if they should choose to. 

Over the years, many people have read my blog. I used to fly under the radar with people I knew. I didn't really want them to read my words, but I learned several times, that isn't realistic. I have been found by people who know me. I have made people angry. I have helped people though hard stuff. 

I had a blog post once go viral on Reddit. People I didn't know made fun of a post of mine. It was crazy, scary, and exciting all at the same time. So many interesting twists and turns happen when you are blogging, that's for sure.  

The landscape has changed a whole lot since I began, but I still come back here when I have something to say. While I have been quiet, I have learned a whole lot about myself and why this blog will always be an instrumental part of my life. 

I have a feeling this blog is about to come back to life fulltime. There has always been a reason I didn't let this space go. I had plans. I knew this. 

I am working out a content plan, but I have lots I want to share. I think I will be back to the 2-3 times a week schedule by May. 

I will be talking about my new adventures in entrepreneurship, my new journey to becoming a spiritual life coach, and life sprinkled in. 

I'm excited to be back and I can't wait to connect again. 

Namaste and love, 
Trish List signature