July Mantras and Goals

I never set up any goals for June. June came at me strong and quick, and quickly showed me what it was like to burnout. I started out the month feeling ready to conquer everything, but I was quickly knocked down by exhaustion and doubt.

I am feeling better for July, so I am setting some mantras/goals that will remind me that I got this.

Setting intentions - I am going to set an intention for each new day. They will all plug into my over all intention of being strong and moving forward in my life.

Meditate - I was recently told this is the way to heal some of my doubts and seeing how it is one of the hardest things for me to concentrate on I am starting to believe I need to spend more time on it.

Journal - When I write, I feel free, but for some reason I do not do it as much as I should. I am going to spend more time writing stuff down and working through it on paper.

Yoga - Yes I know I am teaching it, but I am not doing as much of my own practice lately so I need to really spend some time with it to mediate and then journal after.

Are we seeing a trend here?

I don't think I can be successful until I have myself back in order.

What are you working on this month?


Linking up with the Peaceful Posse

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I needed a reminder

The day after a holiday that falls inconveniently on a Tuesday is always the worst. Even more so when you had to work Monday. You know the feeling right?

Not that I'm complaining. A fourth of July on a Tuesday really brought back all the feels and memories. The first fourth I spent in my current city fell on a Tuesday in 2012. My first summer holiday away from my family. I was to new at my job to ask for time off and I didn't want to take a day trip home.

Nostalgia won me over when I thought about where I was in life then compared to where I am now. I was younger. I was single, still recovering from a pretty scary break up situation. I was very much naïve. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was sure as hell doing it the best I could on my own.

It's funny how dates, holidays, days of the week, etc, can make you feel things. They can transport you back to a time where maybe you were really happy. It can also transport you back to a time where you weren't so happy. Maybe you lost someone. Maybe you lost yourself. Maybe you met someone. Maybe life was just coming at you just the way you wanted.

In any event, moments happen and something will always bring you back. They are there as lessons and reminders. Reminders that you are still here no matter what happened in the past. You made it. You are in the present trucking along.

So, thank you Tuesday, July 4th for bringing back a time where I was being strong on my own even when I was kind of lost. It reminds me that today in the present I can do the same. I have a bigger support system now and I can rely on them and myself to make it through the hard times.

I got this.

I needed that reminder.


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Overcoming Fears one element at a time

Hello again sweet loves on the internet. As promised I am writing to tell you about the fear and uncomfortable place I was in yesterday that made me feel accomplished and like a winner! If you want to see my emotional post yesterday about taking the road to self discovery please check it out here.. (The Truth Is)

Truth is, I live for the moments where I can share my discomfort with you all. Why you ask? To show that discomfort can be beautiful.

These photos are courtesy of Julie who was my guide and teacher on the lake yesterday. I am so grateful she caught these beautiful photos of  me embracing my fears!

I am terrified of water. You won't ever catch me swimming in a lake or the ocean. I am one of those people who enjoy the beach and bodies of water for the view. I will put my feet in, but I never go in past my knees.

Yesterday morning I went out at 7am and did paddle board yoga. I will tell you the first hour I was out there I couldn't get off my knees. I was terrified of falling in. Let me tell you, when fear is present, it doesn't matter how much balance you have on land. The water is a completely different ballgame.

By the end of the class I was able to stand up. I still took it very slow and anytime I moved I was swearing bullets. I went from paddling on my knees to standing up and paddling back to shore on my feet as you can see in the first photo.

Another post that is coming, probably next week is I just spend 4 days in Vermont at Wanderlust Festival and did all kinds of new yoga there. I feel like I have covered a wide variety of yoga in a week. From aerial yoga to paddle board yoga. I think I am on my way to want to know it all along with crossing fears off my list.

Thank you all for your patience with me. The generosity will always be returned.

Namaste friends.

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