Mid Week Update

Guys I am happy to report that "Cal" has finally passed. It was uneventful and only a little painful. For those of you who have no idea who Cal is, it was my kidney stone. Yes I named it. No I don't think that's weird. Moving on.

So I had a visit with the specialist about he stone. Had an ultrasound done and they could tell me I did indeed pass the stone, however I had 4 more behind it. I have 2 stones in each kidney. Lovely right?

Moving forward I have a very strict diet to follow while we conduct a few more tests to see the exact cause of the sudden kidney stone party in my kidneys. The good news, these stones are pretty tiny compared to Cal, so I may not even feel them pass, but if they should get larger before they pass I will be in the same boat again.

So let's talk about this diet. Basically I am going to call this the fat kid diet. Basically all of the foods I love to consume to be "healthy" are on the list to cut out of my diet. Things like spinach, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, tea, and the list goes on. Now if I am okay with gaining tons of weight, I am allowed things like soda, fruity pebbles, mayo, and other sugary items.

This makes me so sad. I was starting to do very good in my diet. There still are things I can eat, it just makes it that much more challenging. I of course am encouraged to drink tons of water, thus the reason for another 5 day challenge to drink more water.

On a better note, I have been able to finally do some exercise and practice more yoga since the stone passed. This at least makes me feel like I can still work on my fitness. I did a lot of walking/light hiking this past weekend. I went on a long walk with a friend on Monday to a beautiful waterfall and I clocked burning over 700 calories. That was awesome.

I took a rest day yesterday and plan to do some cardio and strength training today on my breaks from work. I am seeing things finally looking up! Makes me feel better.

How is your week going?

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5 Day Goal Challenge: Vol. 3

Another week, anothere goal. Last week I pledged to write 5 letters. One everyday of the week. Monday was strong. I banged out that letter and had it all ready to go. The rest of the week, not so much. I was still so focused on the stone issue that I didn't get the others done. Something to finish up this week.

So for this week's goal, I think I'm going to focus again on my water intake. This is something that I lose steam at quickly. My body needs the water, so I'm aiming to drink at least 40 ounces a day, if not more.

What are your goals this week?

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Spring Reading List 2017

You guys, I am such a slacker! I am excited though to share my Spring reading list with you all. I have what seems like a bazillion books laying around my house, yet always seem to find the need to buy another 5 or 6 here and there. I have decided to put my foot down.

My community has a Spring and Fall book sale where I can get some great books for as low as a quarter. That sale is coming up in May and I REALLY need to read some of these books before I go buy some more. It will kill me if I can't attend, but I need to have some restraint. So I have decided to challenge myself to read these 6 books before the sale comes. I have a nice little mixture of different genres so I am hoping to get them all done.

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes - I have been wanting to read this book forever. I did cave and see the movie, but I still want to get this one read. I found it at the Fall book sale for super cheap and have no real excuse on why it isn't read yet.

Breakfast with Buddha by Roland Merullo - I started reading this LAST Spring right after I brought it home from the Spring book sale. I am almost halfway though, but for some reason just put it down and never picked it back up. It's not that I didn't like it. I am really not sure why it never got picked back up. I am not a quitter so I am going to finish this book!

This Year I Will... by M.J. Ryan - I have had this book for awhile now. I found it on clearance and really wanted to get it read early this year. I am going to power through this one because self-help is my new favorite kind of book!

Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick -  I got this for my birthday in December and keep looking at it and just haven't had the interest to read. I am going to get this one done because I love Anna and can't wait to read her book!

The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern - I picked this one up at the Fall book sale as well. It has been reviewed all over the place as an amazing book, so that is why I got it. Again, just never picked it back up after it came home. I am excited to read something different.

Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty - So this one is on my kindle so I have no photo of it. I started reading this a few weeks ago. It has been SO slow moving for me. I have heard wonderful things about Liane's books. I am wondering if I just started off with the wrong "first" book. Can someone please tell me it gets better or maybe that other books are faster paced? I am at 48% and it is kind of driving me nuts to read.

I may add books to this list as I go on, but this is a good start for me.

What books are you reading this Spring?

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