Feel Good Friday: Valentine's Edition

Happy Friday all! Welcome back to another edition of Feel Good Friday. This is a space where I will share articles, blog posts, pictures, and anything else that can be inspiring, feel good, or just down right cute. Last week I mentioned this was a new series for me and I wasn't sure where it was going to lead me. I have found myself drawn to positive, uplifting content on the internet, and I wanted to share for all of you who need a little positive in your lives. This week is a theme of Valentine's day and love:

I have been squealing like a little girl over the fact that the Gilmore Girls revival is officially coming to Netflix. So much feel good vibes coming in this week with all of the announcements of returning characters! Anyone else excited? (Okay this isn't Valentine's related per say.. but for so many fans, this show is like the loves of their lives, so this is such a great Valentine's gift)

I love this article by Like a Boss Girl: Be Your Own Valentine: 5 Ways to Show Self Love. It is so important to find time for yourself and be truly in love with everything you are. It is a really hard journey sometimes to get there, but just like everything else in life, the more you work at it, the easier it becomes!

I always love when I come across a cartoon or something that mimics the relationship I have with R. This article of cartoons sure sums us up: 12 Reasons Why I Love Him.

I love that this blind little girl made braille Valentine's Day cards! It is so sweet and such a cute idea.

There are so many great feel good things out there on the internet if you look for them. I could of posted thousands of things in this spot today, but these are the ones that touched me the most!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Trish List signature

Lover's Loot

Supporting local business is really important to me. They make each city and town special and one of a kind. When we have cute little coffee shops, boutiques, and do good businesses sprinkled in within the bigger chains, it makes a community unique. Every town has its “must visit” locations, and most of the time these are local businesses. 

When I made my goals for February, I set a theme of love. I did this as a way to bring awareness to being kind and loving to all things around you. This includes yourself and animals. Today I want to share some love on a local non-profit that is near and dear to my heart. The Tompkins County SPCA. I grew up always having a pet and come from a family of animal lovers. I just recently adopted Grace from the shelter, a cute and spunky 6 month old kitten.

Grace came into the shelter as a stray with some tummy issues. She was very small for her age and very much underweight. The Tompkins County SPCA got her healthy and she now spends her days spoiled and with more food than any little kitty should need. She is happy and it makes me happy knowing we have such a wonderful shelter who is willing to take in kitties like Grace and get them adopted into a nice home. 


The Tompkins County SPCA was the first No-Kill shelter in the United States. No animal is ever turned away due to no room. Because they are able to do this, they need the funds to keep the shelter running and productive. I wanted to share with you their Valentine’s Day fundraiser.

Lover’s Loot is the gift that keeps on giving. For $50 you can purchase a sleek and modern travel mug packed with Life’s So Sweet chocolate and a slip of paper with a number. Each number corresponds with a number between 1 and 225. Each number has a prize attached to it which will be revealed on Valentine’s Day on the Tompkins County SPCA’s website. Each prize is guaranteed to be worth $25 or more. 

The lovely Grace modeling out the new mug!
Each prize was generously donated from both local and national businesses. You can expect to see gift cards from places like HarmonyMassage, Gimme Coffee, Firelight Camps, <---(Glamping!)  Rasa Spa, Target, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and many more! You can even win a lunch with Ithaca mayor Svante Myrick! Swoon!

If you are local to the area you can pick up your mugs from Both SPCA locations (Ithaca Mall and Hanshaw Rd), Rasa Spa, 15 Steps, and The Ithaca Coffee Company.
If you are not local and want to make a generous donation I will personally ship you your mug and prize the week following Valentine’s Day. 

Valentine’s Day is only 6 days away.. Hurry and get this unique gift for your sweetie before they are all gone!

Grace Approves!

*This is not a sponsored post. I just love the organization! <3

Trish List signature

Make memories this Valentine's Day

Ahh Valentine's Day.. you either love it or hate, are into it, or not. For me Valentine's Day has a different feel. I don't feel like you need a day to tell your loved ones you love them. Some people buy chocolates and candy which is nice, but they don't last. If you're in a meaningful relationship and you're happy and in love, keep that and fill it with special moments.

Is there something you've wanted to do with your significant other, but have been putting it off? Maybe you do want to go out to eat and there's that restaurant that means a lot to you. Or maybe there is that activity you have been meaning to try, but just haven't made the time. Valentine's Day would be an excellent time to make the time for these things.

Life gets busy. We all put things off. Unfortunately one of the parts of our lives that seem to get neglected is our relationships. Use this Valentine's day to rectify that. Spend a day doing new things and making memories. Do the things together that make you both happy. If you can't think of something, don't worry, I have some ideas for you.

The weather has been pretty warm this year here in the north, but that's not going to stop me from recommending ice skating. Whether you can find a place to do it outside or have to go to an indoor rink, ice skating is pretty romantic and can bring back childhood memories. A very playful date.

Go to lunch. Pick out that fancy place you have been meaning to try. Lunch will be cheaper, have less crowds, and you can still dress up with your sweetie. After lunch you can head home to your sweat pants and Netflix and call it a night. Romantic right?

Take a hike together. Nothing brings 2 people together like a nature walk. Especially if it's cold you will have plenty of opportunities to snuggle with your sweetheart.

Head to a karaoke house and rent a private room. You and your love can belt out songs to each other. Nothing is more romantic than that right? Or you can invite a few couples out and make it a fun date night with a group. The ideas are endless!

Volunteer with your significant other. Nothing makes a person feel as great as when they are helping someone else out. A good option would be volunteering at your local animal shelter. You can snuggle cute kitties and puppies. Who knows, maybe you will meet another love of your life and take a new furball home!

So what do you think? Will you create some new memories with your sweetheart this Valentine's Day? You still have time to plan! Sunday isn't that close right?

Trish List signature,