Step Up Sunday 2/8

I am so excited to do my first Step up Sunday today! I have made a goal for February to work on my fitness so this is a great motivator!

1. How many pounds did you gain or lose?
I weighed myself on Monday at work to start off this journey and failed to weigh myself Friday. I will edit this tomorrow with how much I lost/gained for the week.

2. How many inches did you gain or lose?
I’m not tracking my inches.

3. Your weekly exercise or step goal, and did you meet it? 
I try to make 10,000 steps a day and I have been falling short every day by like 1500 steps. I will have to pay more attention to my counter this week and meet that goal.

4. What was your biggest challenge this week?
I had a lot of dinner dates this week catching up with friends so I was not eating the healthiest.

5. What is your favorite healthy snack or meal?
I have been enjoying clementines. They give me a punch of energy at that 3 o'clock slump and they taste yummy.

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My Grammy Experience

Let me paint you a picture. It was July 3rd, 2012. I was quickly fishing through my junk folder in my email looking for a message from a friend that never showed up. I decided at this point to multi-task and to delete as I went. Along the way I came across a subject line that was inviting me to the Grammy Awards. 

After picking my jaw up off the floor I started to worry. Was this a scam? We all know how the internet and email is full of phishing scams these day. You always have to be cautious. It was late and the next day was a holiday so I had to wait to call and see if this was legit. In the meantime I called my cousin to invite her to be my guest, cause naturally this was gonna be legit right? She agreed but also had the same worry as me.

The 5th finally came around and I called the number. Not only was it legit, the lady couldn't believe I actually called. Apparently most people just assume its a scam and lose the trip. So fast forward to February 2013. We were being picked up by a car service and whisked away to the airport to catch our flight (Which we almost missed..) to Los Angeles to attend the 55th Annual Grammy Awards.

Now being we are in full award season now and the Grammy's are on Sunday, I figured I would share my experience in pictures. My dream come true. I hope you enjoy!

That's right, we got the water in the car service. Jealous? lol
It was pretty rainy while we were in LA. Wasn't used to this because I don't think it ever rained any other time I was in L.A!

The Red Carpet the night before the Grammys. Look's so fancy!
We were smack dab in the middle of L.A. Live. We stayed at that JW Marriott pictured.

Did I mention it had a roof top pool?

The night before. We so fancy.

This is what Grammy tickets look like.
I clean up good. Yes?

This is what the Grammy's look like straight from the nose bleed section folks!

They had all these pretty lights. The theme idea was stolen from the folk who sing Ho Hey.

After Party! Sorry for the crappy picture- No cameras allowed but I had my cell.

It was bali themed. So cool!

 So there you have it. My Grammy experience! I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to tune in on Sunday!

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#Womanslives Matter

I always want to look back at my blog and be able to tell that it mattered. Something I wrote mattered to one of you. I want to look back and see that somehow one of my posts touched someone. Today's post is going to be one of those posts. On Tuesday I opened up my inbox to see an e-mail from She Knows Media (BlogHer). The e-mail read:

I’m writing to invite you to participate in a media partnership with She Knows Media and Public Radio International on a groundbreaking journalism project launching tomorrow, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, called Across Women’s Lives.

I was beyond proud and excited to be apart of such an inspirational project. We have come a long way here in the U.S with women's rights, but we aren't 100% there. Think about how bad we think it is here in our own country and multiply that by 100. We still live in a world where women have no rights at all. Think about how scary that life would be.

Now think about the women who stand up for their rights. Sometimes to their own spouses only to get in return violence. Domestic violence is still a very real thing in the world. Even here in the U.S. Did you know 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes? I believe it. Wanna know why? I am the 1 in 4. This campaign will certainly bring back some bad memories, but it will also help me feel empowered. I have a voice and it will be heard.

"Across Women’s Lives seeks to change the conversation in news media, because women’s lives are newsworthy. It is an in-depth series by PRI that will reveal the strong connection between the empowerment of women and girls, and economic development and improved health around the world."

Whether you are trying to make it in your career or experiencing domestic violence at home, you are worth it. Your voice needs to be heard. I hope you will all join me in this amazing campaign to get our voices heard. Follow me in this in depth campaign that runs through December. You can make the difference. We can do it together. Use the hash tag #WomansLives to follow along. 

For more inspirational stories and posts keep checking back here as I will be posting monthly until December. Also check out Public Radio International for more up to date into on Across Women's Lives.

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