
Hi all! I am busy working on updating and organizing the blog! I appreciate your patience!
While I'm working to make this space better, take a moment to check out these posts:

If you're new check out my 2014 Year End Review! 2014 was my first year blogging so catch all of the highlights here!

Wanna check out some of the updates and resolutions I have made? Check out: 2015 Updates!

I just updated my "About Me" page. Mosey on over and let me know what you think!

Interested in knowing what my most viewed post was in 2014? I suggest you click ---> HERE!

Do you know what Thrive is? If not you need to check it out! Thrive in 2015

Thank you again for hanging in there for me! I'll see you back here on Friday for a regular scheduled post!

Happy Wednesday!

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My 2015 Personal Goals

Everyone has been writing out their goals for 2015. I am going to be one of those people, only turning my goals into new routines. I have left my old routine at the 2014 door, stepping through into my new goals for my 2015 routine. Yesterday I wrote about 2 goals specifically for my blog. I focused on organization and growth. To read more about what I am planning for my blog specific goals, click here.

As I read through all of the goals and resolutions people are setting, I often wonder if they are all attainable. Do we set ourselves up for failure? I certainly hope we don't but sometimes the goals we set for ourselves are higher then we can achieve in 1 year. 2014 was a real eye opener for me. If I had to choose a word for 2014 it would be Discovery. I learned and discovered a lot about myself. I learned what really makes me tick, how I handle tough situations, and what it really feels like to be in love. 

2014 also brought me new friends, a promotion, and stress induced depression. I got the good and the ugly. Because of all of these things, I really saw the things I needed to change to make my life happy and healthy again. These changes are what my goals for 2015 are going to be based around. The word I am going to pick to describe 2015 is Rejuvenate.

The first goal I am putting into play is a Happiness Project. I read the book by Gretchen Rubin in December and I really related to some of the issues she brought up in her book. For the month of January I am going to be focusing on R & R (Re-focus and Relaxing). This monthly goal will help me cross off joining a class or group, which I have wanted to do for years now.

The second goal I want to achieve this year is to write every day. Even if it is not on this blog, I want to set time at least 30 minutes a day to write down my thoughts. I recently purchased the book 642 Things to Write About. I was so excited to see it in my pile of mail after being away for 5 days. I had a little moment of disappointment when I realized I purchased the "young writer's edition", but got over it when I flipped through it to see some pretty fun topics.

 My next goal is to read more. I am currently participating in a Winter Reading Challenge and it really got me back into reading. I had forgotten how much fun it can be to get lost in a book for hours. My new library card isn't helping either. I keep checking out more then I can read! Oops! The goal is to read 50 new books in 2015. Wish me luck!

I want to set some mental health goals this year as well. The reading and the writing will help with that, but I also want to also make sure I continue to exercise regularly, make "me" time,  breathe, and take mini vacations to get away when the stress is up. It is so important to make time for yourself, so 2015 will literally be "my" year!

When it comes to my blog, personally I want to expand my knowledge and meet more people. I will be working hard over the next week to get everything categorized correctly and cleaned up. I want to update my Start Here page with popular posts and a better intro. When you come to my page I want you to instantly know I got this covered! No more hot mess blank pages for this list!

Month by month I will post my monthly goals along with my Happiness Project goals and updates. I hope you will all follow along! It's going to be a great one! I can feel it. 

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2015 Blog Updates

Hi all. As we make our way into the first full week of 2015, most of us back to work and school, this is a time where we all try to get back on routine. Routine can be exactly as you left it in 2014, or a new one you want to acclimate in 2015. Personally, I have come up with 2 sets of goals this year. One for this blog and one for my own personal development.

I will talk about my blog goals and updates today because they easy said and to the point. The first thing I want to point out if you had not already noticed, the blog has a new look. With the new look came new categories on my side bar. I decided to better plan out my content and make it easier for you all to find. I feel these 4 categories sum up The Trish List the best:

Central NY

I consider myself a Lifestyle blog so you can find all things "do it yourself", personal stories, recipes, and anything else life related under the category Life.

I have always been pretty good at talking about being healthier and following wellness plans. I decided this year to focus more on that and add it as a category. You can find everything health, fitness, and wellness under the category Wellness.

I talk about free stuff a lot. I am pretty thrifty as well. This was definitely something I needed to categorize on my blog. You can find anything free, thrifty, or just plain shopping awesomeness under the category Thrifty.

Last but not least, I am working on a Happiness Project this year so anything happy and fun related will be under the category Fun.

The new look and the categories are helping me get organized. I feel like this will make a huge difference as I continue my blog journey.

The second goal I want to focus on here is growing. More promotion. More interacting. More great content. I have learned so much in 2014 and hope to learn tons more this year. I want to start applying these skills to make you want to come back for more!

With these 2 goals I feel 2015 will be a great year for growth and new opportunities!

Come back tomorrow to see my personal goals for the year!

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