Special Day!

Today is a special day: it is not only my Mom's birthday, I am also being featured over at The Grits Blog! Run on over and check out my guest post on 5 Pictures That Make Me Feel Beautiful! I have been wanting to do that challenge forever now, so what better time than now?

I am also starting my first day of training my replacement so I can move on over to my NEW position! You heard it right, I have been promoted! So excited to start something new in my career. I posted back a few weeks ago on how awkward it can be to go through an internal interview. (You should read it, it's funny!). It paid off in the end and now I am moving on up!

So far this week is looking up! Lots of exciting content coming up for the rest of August. I hope you will all stick around to experience it all! In the meantime if you are not following me on Twitter or Instagram, you are missing out folks! I love to post daily inspiration and humor on Twitter, as well as update you on this space here. On Instagram, ANYTHING goes! I love to take spur of the moment photos of things. You never know what will show up next! I have kind of given up on Facebook, anyone have any tips on making it work?

Anyways have a great Tuesday everyone!

Going Organic: A Review

Lately I have become really concerned about the products I put in or on my body. It has been on my mind for awhile now, but became more of an issue when my skin really started to become unmanageable. Everything I have been using seems to make my skin worse. A few weeks ago Kate over at The "Florkens" posted about switching over to kinder beauty products. This really got the wheels turning and I went on a mission to see which products I could cut of of my daily health and beauty routine.

Coincidentally I came across an opportunity to host a Party with a Purpose sponsored by Acure Organics. I was provided some full sized products to try out and a link to this awesome video that explains why a lot of our beauty products today are toxic for us. Check it out because it is super informative about our everyday products.

After I watched this video I was so overwhelmed with all of the products I own now and what they all have hidden in them. I couldn't wait to try out something new, hoping they would help my poor skin! Acure sent me 5 full sized products to try out.

organic beauty
Aren't they pretty?!

 From left to right:

1. Cell Stimulating Body Wash: First of all I LOVE the color of this packaging. This gel wash includes moroccan argan stem cell plus argan oil, sea buckthorn plus CoQ10. This stuff smells AMAZING. I would describe it as an almond cookie. I only needed a little bit and this stuff made me feel squeaky clean with its rich lather. I really enjoyed this one. No irritation and it smelled lovely.

2. Day Cream: This one of my favorite products out of them all. I have been using this on my face every morning and my skin feels amazing. This cream has Gotu Kola Stem cell plus 1% Chlorella growth factor. It is geared for normal to dry skin and firms, hydrates, and restores your skin.

3. Sensitive Skin Body Wash: Unlike the first body wash I tried, this one is a cream. This is an unscented wash (It does has a faint floral scent) that has CoQ10 plus Argan stem cell. It is very moisturizing and doesn't cause any irritation. It made me feel nice a smooth when I was done.

4. Conditioner: This conditioner is very similar to the Cell Stimulating body wash. It has a lot of the same ingredients: Moroccan Argan Stem Cell plus Argan oil, CoQ10, and Omega 7. It smells the same too. The yummy almond cookie smell. This conditioner is geared towards normal to dry/damaged/curly  hair. I don't use much conditioner in the summer but I used a little and it did smooth out my wild frizz I have been experiencing. I felt a little oily after but my hair tends to do that in the summer. I can't wait until the fall when I can try it out again and give a better review.

5. Unscented Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes: So far these are my favorite. I can be pretty lazy when it comes to washing my face at night. These are so easy and gentle. My skin feels clean and no irritation occurs. It takes off my makeup with ease and doesn't leave any residue.  I would recommend these to anyone who is always on the go (or lazy like me)!

This brand so far has me hooked. I really need to purchase some of the face cleansers. They also carry some pretty cool lip glosses.  I recommend checking out their page (here!) and having a look. They have a lot of information about stuff in everyday products and they even sent me a booklet with all of the ingredients they use and what they are. Very cool stuff.

What organic products have you tried? Send me your favorites! I am in need of new stuff.

Happy Monday ALL!

(I was sent all of these products free of charge in effort to share the message with my friends. I was not compensated any further for posting this blog. All opinions are my own)


Hello there fellow readers. Thank you for stopping by on this beautiful Friday! Now if you are a regular reader you know I normally post a fitness post today... However you will not be reading about fitness today. if you follow me on Twitter (You don't? What are you waiting for! Follow me now!) you would know I have been having a lot of moments in my life where I have realized things need to change. That also includes my blog. Hold up! Before you ask, I am not going anywhere. I am just planning to work harder on my space on the internet. I want to bring more fun and insight to you all. I want to make this blog a place where you want to come back and read day after day.. I know what you are thinking.. That's what they all say! You have my promise I am going to work harder and make this place better for all of you.

  • The first thing I am going to do in effort to clean this place up and get fresh new ideas rolling, is co-host as well as participate in the first annual Blog Staycation! If you are unfamiliar, you must check it out! It is going to be fun, informative and there will be surprises! Who doesn't love surprises?
  • The second thing I am going to do is become more involved with my readers and other bloggers. I love to see what everyone is up to. Projects, vacations, fun events.. You name it, I want to read about it! I am always looking for new people to collaborate with. If you want to collaborate or need help with an event please feel free to email me!
  •  The last thing I am going to do (Well not really... This is always going to be a work in progress..) is clean things up on here, I am going to link things together that need to be together. Get a little more organized so you guys can find what you are looking for with ease. I hate a blog where I can't find things, and I know my blog has become that blog! Yikes!
I hope you will join me on this journey. I enjoy coming on here everyday and seeing all of your comments and posts. It makes me so happy to be apart of the blogosphere. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!

Are you making any changes in your life? How do you deal with change? Share with me in the comments!