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Weekly Wins Vol. 4

Today is a very special "wins" post. I am not only going to tell you my weekly wins, but a special win today as well. Might as well get right into it..

Special Wins

Last week marked my 1 year anniversary taking a chance on a new opportunity. It was an opportunity that excited me more than I could ever have imagined, and scared me on different levels. I left a cushy "corporate" job with good pay to work in non-profit. I took a leap in faith to try something new in hopes to de-stress my life. To help get myself away from the 50 hour work week.

Today I can look back on my whirlwind of a year and feel completely comfortable with the leap I took. My job is not only rewarding, but has some of the most resilient I have ever met. I get to help make a difference in my community and work with some crazy talented people.

I am so grateful. 

I am hoping to put together a post about what I have learned this year in a non-profit setting, and what you should know as a potential donor. I really can't wait to share this all with you!

Health Wins


I have been diagnosed with acid reflux. It doesn't sound so scary, but in reality with the stress I have been under lately with some family stuff, it completely set my gallbladder off on a rampage and I have some stomach ulcers. How is this a win you may ask? Well I am finally finding some relief with the use of some medications. I am not a big medication person, but I was in such agony, I needed to ask for help. I am on the mend and making some lifestyle changes to get myself back on a better track. 

Personal Wins


Me and R had a successful Friendsgiving on Saturday. We hosted 12 people and it went super smoothly. We had some great food with some great friends. Bring on Thanksgiving!

Blog Wins


The win here, is just posting regularly. I am also engaging more on my social media sites. I had some new followers through the week, which made me happy. Also, my annual Holiday Tea Swap is back. I would love if you joined us! Coffee is a new option this year! If you want to join and aren't into tea, we will partner you with another coffee lover! Get yourself signed up!

How was your week?

Trish List signature

Weekly Wins Vol. 3

It's that time again. Talking about my wins of the week. It's such a positive way to identify good things in life rather than focusing on all the bad.


  • I have identified a problem with my health, so now I am working hard to get things better. Even though it was a tough week when it came to the foods I chose and the way they made me feel, I have been able to set myself on a better path to what needs to happen this week.

  • I attended my 2nd yoga class in the 7 week course I signed up for. I love it more and more each time I go. My body is happier and I am starting to feel less distracted. Such a win for me.


  • This week I posted some photos from my wedding. It was nice to take time out to remember how great the day way, even when things aren't going great in other areas of my life currently. Any little moment or event can pull us out of that bad place we go when we worry, and my wedding photos reminded me of that.

  • I kicked ass at work this week. I kept up with everything and was able to leave my desk on Friday afternoon clean and nothing sitting to deal with on Monday. This is an ultimate win for me.

  • I am working on a plan for 2017 to keep myself focused and motivated on getting my life back to a place where I am happy. I have identified what things need to change and how to do it, now I just need 2017 to get here so I can implement them!

  • I FINALLY caved and bought some new pants and a few other items for the winter. The win here was I got a pair of jeans, a dress, a sweater, a cardigan, a jacket, and a belt for about $17. Gotta love thrifty shopping!


  • I blogged 4 days during the week plus today, so 5 times! This is probably the win I am most proud of. I have been more consistent lately and my stats are proving it. I am seeing more traffic and more engagement. Now I need to keep it up!

  • I have decided to host my 3rd annual holiday tea swap. Last year wasn't the greatest turn out as I got the information out later than anticipated and it fell right in the middle of the holiday swing. I am going to put that announcement out this coming week, so if you love tea, come back and get signed up!

All in all I had a decent week. I am working on time management and organizational skills this coming week. I have really lacked in these things lately and that can make all the difference. Can't wait to see what the week holds.

What were your wins this week?

Trish List signature

Weekly Wins Vol. 2

First and foremost, I wanted to say, happy November! We made it. We are in the last month of Fall and with that, it brings Thanksgiving and the beginning of the food season. Lots of yummies coming our way.

Today I wanted to bring my weekly wins because I did not get them up this weekend. I was a little under the weather, and I just didn't get it done. Womp womp.


I had mentioned last week that I wanted to get back into going to the gym. I did get back to the gym one day and it was that day that I realized how sick I was. For the better part of the week I was absolutely miserable and not feeling great.

The silver lining and win in this statement is, because I was so sick I was able to finally get to the bottom of a year long problem I have been experiencing. I was able to be finally diagnosed and I'm on my way to healing. Today is the first day in awhile that I am feeling good. Not great, but good. I'll take it!


I continued on the trend of reading. I am finding more joy in reading and noticing myself more and more picking up a book rather than jumping online. This is a major win for me as I really do spend to much time wasting time online.

I went back to yoga. I know this could probably go under health, but I feel like it was also a very personal choice to get back on the mat. It is both physically and mentally rewarding, and with this series I am taking it incorporates meditation within the yoga practice. The series is called 'Come Home to Your Body'. I left feeling more at ease than I have in a long time.

My parents came to visit! I have not seen them since then wedding and we got to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday. This brings so much joy to my life.


I am so happy to have found my motivation again with this blog. I have been working outside my comfort zone with my new fashion posts. I am not by any means trying to be a fashion blogger, as I love being a lifestyle blog, but I am finding so much happiness in putting together an outfit each week. I hope you will check out my Halloween inspired outfits and what I dressed as for Halloween posts.

How are you winning?

Trish List signature

Weekly Wins Vol. 01

Jenn over at Optimization, Actually started doing a "weekly wins" post and because one of the books I just read encouraged to start focusing on all the good every week rather than the negatives, I decided to follow suit and do the same. Wow that was one heck of a run on sentence. I apologize.

So every weekend I am going to attend to write about what really rocked my week. wish me luck..


Me and R finally got around to taking a mini honeymoon just to clear our heads from the whirlwind that was our wedding and life all mixed in . We visited Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands. We got there just in time for the last day of the Boldt Castle. We were in the glorious off season where it was pretty quiet. I really recommend visiting places on off season, as you get the place to yourself. I am going to be posting more about that in another post. Stay tuned!


  • I am finally seeing some progress with my skin. It has cleared up quite a bit in the acne department and it' starting to get a nice glow back. I am so happy to see progress. Now I need to keep myself going with the system I have so my skin will keep glowing.

  • This coming week I am jumping back on the healthier lifestyle bandwagon and getting my butt back to the gym. I really think it is a seasonal sport for me.. I can't bare to spend my time in the gym during the nice weather.


  • This has been the year of reading self help books and I have to say, I have really enjoyed most of them. I never was an avid reader and when I did read it wasn't non-fiction of any sorts. I have read quite a few non-fiction this year and I have several more I want to squeeze in before the year is over.

  • I am finally back to playing with my makeup. I know this sounds silly, but it's a real win for me. I spoke about this earlier in the week when I posted about my passions coming back to life.


  • I spent most of the week/weekend working on a new series I am bringing to the blog this week. It is something the really gets me excited and I can't wait to get it posted.

  • I cleaned up my blog post section as well as my email account and it is much tidier and easier to navigate now. Super big win!

Well there it is, my weekly wins! I hope you'll join me this week for some new content!

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