Prince: I didn't know you, but I mourn you

Well today I had planned a different post, but I felt the need to write about the death of Prince.

The sudden passing of such a music icon leaves the world in shock. As 2016 continues to take the great people in the entertainment world, it also reminds me that nothing lasts forever. Death forgets no one, and when it's your time, you go.

I feel the same ache I felt when Robin Williams passed. It left a pain in my heart, not because I knew either of them, but because their presence was apart of my whole life.

Music has always been a big part of my life. My parents always made sure we had something to sing to or dance to as children. Prince was apart of that.

I can specifically look back at quite a few memories just by the mention of a few specific Prince songs.

As we do not have any real solid answers yet as to why this life was taken to soon, it reminds me that everyday is not promised. It also reminds me that the choses we make every day can effect our tomorrow's.

Last night I forgot that nothing is promised. I went to bed angry. The worst feeling in the world. Take today to remind youself, as I did when I got up that today is a present. Accept it and make the best of it.

I will leave you with that thought while I jam out to Kiss by Prince. It always brings me back to Julia Roberts in the bathtub in Pretty Woman.

What's your favorite Prince song?

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Blog Staycation April 2016

It's that time again! What time am I speaking of? Blog Staycation time! It couldn't have come at a better time for me! With all the new ideas and updates I am working on this month, having the Staycation rounding up April is the perfect last push for me to get it done.

So now the question is: Are you ready to tackle your to do lists?

The Spring Staycation will take place April 28th through May 1st.

For those of you not familiar with the Blog Staycation,  it was started back in August 2014 and has since become a bi-yearly event where bloggers come together to mingle and help eachother tackle their blogging to-do lists.

All bloggers no matter what experience level is encouraged to join in. It really has blossomed into a fun and social 4 days where we can all give eachother advice and ideas while learning new skills.

Get yourself signed up HERE!

We look forward to meeting you all!

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Sneak peak!

I've been feeling a little MIA lately. I have been working a lot on this blog behind the scenes this month, gearing up for my 2 year blogaversary in May. Of course that has taken me away from actually posting regularly here.

I know I set warning that this space would be a pretty hot mess this month, but I thought more would be posted. Because I failed to send more test content out than I had originally intended, I wanted to run a few ideas past you all.

First and foremost I want this blog to be a positive place. I also don't want to portray that I live in a perfect world either. I want to stay away from rants if I can, but there will be days where maybe this will be the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So my first idea that I am implementing next month is my Random Acts of Kindness tab. Each month I am going to pick 1 of my readers to send a little thank you to. There won't be a specific gift, just something to say thanks. I want to leave a space where anyone can write about what they are doing to put a smile on someone's face.

The second topic I will be addressing is being a stepmom. In September I will marry R and officially be a stepmom to his 2 boys. R and I have been together for about 3 years and living together for 1.

 I am going to write a monthly post where I will encourage others to link up and share their stories. These should be positive posts that encourage and support other stepmoms out there.

The last new addition to the blog will be weekly posts of pursuing what happiness means to each of us and how to get there. I strive every day to think of one positive thing, even when my day seems bad.

Just a couple of new things coming, but I feel like they can make a big impact. Don't forget I am also offering a poll this month with a prize for anyone who takes it! You can find it here.

Happy Tuesday.

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