Blogging: How I'm making small changes for big results

I've officially been blogging for 20 months. Yes I'm going the month route. Kinda like a baby. In reality this space is like my baby. It demands attention. It needs to be fed, changed, and encouraged. It's not going to walk on its own. It a not going to talk on its own.

The reality of it is each and every blog needs a village (or community) to grow. Bloggers need to take the steps to interact with other bloggers and their readers. Research them. Find out what they want to see. Sounds a little daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing.

To bad there isn't a 'What to Expect when you're Growing a Blog' book out there. Because there is no official book that tells you exactly what to do, I am going to share the little changes I have been making lately to see big results.

Follow other bloggers

You may be thinking 'I already do that'. That's great but, what I've been focusing on is 3 specific bloggers. I've picked 3 bloggers who have different blogging styles and are still attracting readers who comment. This is great research. You can see what they are doing to keep readers coming back.

Update your photos

I just recently updated my main sidebar photo as well as my 'About Me' photo. This allows your readers to see you are growing and evolving. It's great to let your readers see you, and what you are up to. This is something I am still learning. In time I know it will be a good thing to update my photos. 

Clean up your sidebars

I noticed I had a few things lingering that weren't still accurate for my blog. I removed everything that didn't belong and moved some things to other places that made more sense. I think it looks clean and more professional this way.

Host a giveaway

I recently hosted my first one. It was small but it still got people motivated to stop by. Speaking of giveaway, come back tomorrow to see if you're the winner!


I know EVERYONE tells you this, but it's so true. I have been spending a few minutes every day commenting on my favorite blogs. I am also taking this opportunity to comment on new blogs. I search other comments and if they have a blog I visit them as well. It's a win/win. You're showing someone some love and chances are they will do the same.

Social Media

Pick 2 social media platforms to focus on. It is nearly impossible to keep them all up to date all the time and not feel burnt out. I am focusing on Instagram and Pinterest lately. I'd love if you would follow me! Let's help each other out.


Commit to what works for you. If that means writing out 5 blog posts on Sunday for the week then so be it. If that means only posting 3 times a week, do it. Don't commit to something you can't deliver. Currently I am blogging 3 times a week. It works for me. My readers know this. In the next few weeks I may start blogging 5 days a week. Is it going to work for me? I don't know yet. But I'm going to warn everyone before I do it.

Secret Weapon

Do something that is unique to just you. Make something your signature. Your secret weapon. This can be anything. For me, I am further educating myself. I am spending the money to take my craft further. This is something that makes me feel good and helps this blog grow. Of course there are others but I can't give them all away!

What simple tips do you follow to grow your blog and your audience?

Trish List signature

Wedding Wednesday: Inspiration

Over the weekend I crashed my friends wedding... sorta. I made the 6 hour trip with a mutual friend to help celebrate her wedding day. Even though I went to celebrate her and her husband I couldn't help but take notice to all of the little details. Details I am looking at now to plan my own wedding.

She got married in a church. A beautiful Greek Orthodox church. I have never been in such a beautiful place. The detail in the murals and the sparkle in the chandelier was like nothing I have experienced before. I started to compare it to my ceremony. I am getting married at a winery. I will be surrounded by beautiful scenery brought to me by nature. The detail I will see will come from the flowers and the trees. The sparkle will come from the sun shining down on me.

The ceremony was beautiful. I learned so much, as I have never attended a Greek ceremony before. I really loved the traditions and how it all flowed in a way that I never felt bored, or ready for it to be over. 45 minutes sounded like a long time, but it flew by so quickly. I now think about the ceremony I will have. I haven't even thought about who would officiate my special day. Me and R are both baptized Catholic but neither of us are apart of a church. Things to think about as we move forward.

After the bride and groom excused us from the church, we headed to the reception space. A party in a banquet room of a casino. An idea I would have never come up with as my own. It made perfect sense to me. The casino had a hotel, restaurant, and spa. Everything you could need was found in this space. My reception will be hosted at a winery. Dinner will be served in the in house restaurant and the party will take place surrounded by beautifully decorated wine barrels. I can offer my guests a night of dancing, socializing, and good local wine.

During dinner guests were encouraged to get up and make toasts to the bride and groom. I really loved this idea. It takes the pressure off of the maid of honor and best man. Anyone could make a speech and that to me makes more sense. Everyone has well wishes for you and your new life. Why not let them spoil you with them in front of your guests?

The whole day was perfect. I was really excited to be apart of their special day, and left with all sorts of new ideas for my own wedding. It reminds me how all weddings are beautiful not matter how they go down. We all have our own traditions and visions, to make our day, us. We want to show our friends and family a good time, but we also want it to symbolize us as a couple. I can't wait to continue to share this journey with all of you.

Where do/did you get inspiration for your wedding?

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Currently: Struggle Bus Edition

As you can see it is now the afternoon on the east coast and I am just not around to getting this blog posted. I am on the struggle bus today hardcore. Let's see how this currently list is gonna work.


Feeling: Exhausted is an understatement but I felt like dead wouldn't work either. Driving 12 hours total in a 30 hour period with only 6 of those hours having any sleep, kind of caught up bad this morning. 

Thinking: How amazing it was to cross off a few items on my bucket list this weekend. I took a spontaneous road trip to crash a friends wedding. I also got to learn about a faith that I didn't know much about. Super win this weekend!

Reading: I just finished up The Royal We by Heather Cocks. It was such a cute book. Now I am craving another Brit Lit! Any suggestions?

Planning: Well the obvious answer would be my wedding. So much stuff already checked off and still so many little things to do. On top of my wedding I am also planning some other life events. Stay tuned for me details!

Eating: I have really gotten back to eating healthier and enjoying all that fall has to offer. I have a big bowl of spaghetti squash with peppers and garlic on my desk for lunch today. It's really yummy and not so bad for me. How do you prepare your squash?

Looking forward to: There are so many things I am looking forward to, but on a short term basis I am looking forward to Halloween. It is one of my favorite times of the year to get together with old friends and have a good time. This year it is falling on the weekend so it allows me to plan easier. I have no idea what I am going to be, but that's okay right?

Planning for the blog: New content. New series. More giveaways. I am going all out. I am taking the step to get this place in action. 

What are you currently up to?

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