Blog Staycation Link-Up Wrap Up

Happy Tuesday! Today is the day to link up your Blog Staycation posts! Didn't participate? That's okay! You can also link up your favorite blogging tips and then join us in January for our winter Staycation! We will be hosting the 4 day event January 14-17, 2016. It will be here before we know it!

I didn't get as much time to work on my to do list as I had hoped, but I did get inspired to start making things happen. I already had set up a goal to work on my writing in September and that is something that I think will take me a long way with my blog plans. I wrote down a lot of ideas and thought on what I want to do this fall on the blog. I also signed up today for a 6 week writing class that starts tomorrow!

I have been pondering one of the questions that was asked during a chat this time around, and I was wondering if you all could help me out.. If you want to monetize your blog, who would be your top 5 dream brand/company to work with? List your answers in the comments! I am on the struggle bus for this one!

Have a great day! Can't wait to read all of your posts! :)

Trish List signature

Four Day Weekending

So a couple of things.. Sometimes I forget how true the saying is "the older you get, the faster time goes". Seriously, where did September go? We are already half way through and I feel like I was just writing out my goals yesterday! I feel like I am always on the go and haven't been able to really pin down a weekend in months that was truly just for me.With that being said, this weekend review is starting on Thursday as it really was the start of my crazy busy weekend time frame if you will.

Thursday Today was the kickoff of round 3 of The Blog Staycation. A 4 day event that's all things blogging! Did you participate? Next, R and I had another wedding venue to look at. This is # 2 out of the 5 places we were interested in touring. I have to say I really liked this place as well, and feel sad that we may not be able to have our wedding there due to scheduling and needing to book fast. I would still like to follow through on the other 3 before we make the final decision. But more on that later this week!

Friday I FINALLY made it to a yoga class at Mighty Yoga. They were celebrating their 6th birthday and offering $1 classes all week. My week turned into one big appointment so every day I thought I could go, I realized I was already booked for something less fun. I REALLY needed this class. 75 minutes of stretching, strength building, and sweat was on the menu and I felt great after!

After yoga!
Saturday was my company's picnic. Last year it was rained out and we were denied our bounce house. Do you know how many adults kids were upset about that? This year was more promising as the rain held out until we were packing everything up (totally fun right?) and the bounce house showed up! R and I ended up leaving the picnic with 2 new camp chairs, a thermos, a waterproof backpack, and a full quarter keg. Yeah you read that right. Literally 2 cups were poured from the keg that was purchased and no one wanted to take it home. Of course we got suckered in.. So what's everyone doing after work today? Party at my place?

It may have been cloudy, but the park was beautiful at the picnic!

Sunday I headed back to Pennsylvania for the NEPA Bridal Show. I met up with my mom and 2 of my bridesmaids to check out all things wedding and bride. You might recall I attended my first bridal show back in August. This one was A LOT larger and really, really informative. I don't know what it is about northeastern PA but they are loaded with wedding and bridal companies. Like seriously you can find a bar AND a bridal boutique on every corner. Coincidence?  I think not. After a long day at home I drove home just in time to close out the Blog Staycation. Another successful event in the books and we look forward to seeing all of your posts starting tomorrow with a Link-Up. Make sure to stop by for that tomorrow!

So yeah, remember folks, the more you become an adult, the quicker (and busier) you get! Make sure to carve our some "me" time or "I'm doing nothing" time often. It really does make a difference! I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. If you don't see me tomorrow, you know we kicked that keg...

Trish List signature

Why I Approve Comments

I don't know about you, but I always wondered why bloggers would hold comments for approval. I thought it seemed like a bad idea. What if you forgot to approve them? What if you missed something? It all seemed pretty weird to me. That is until I found myself in a situation where a negative comment was posted and I was not a happy camper about it. Now it completely made sense to me. Today I want to talk about other reasons why approving comments can really be a God send.

The main reason for approving comments would be the obvious reason: To keep negative and hateful comments off of your positive space. This can also help from a full on brawl happening on your blog for the whole world to see. I don't know about you, but that can't be fun for anyone. If your blog is your business or something you do to earn a means of income, keeping it positive and clean is the best way to go.

The next reason I found very helpful is that I DON'T miss any comments anymore. I have to physically approve all of them. To make sure I don't miss them I normally reply to them before I go on to the next. It makes it so much easier and less time consuming for me to get back in touch with everyone.

The last reason I believe helps when approving comments is the ability to have all the info in front of you. You can see all of the negative comments, which includes e-mail address and ip address, so if you want to report it you have it all right there without having to weed through all of your comments to find them. You can also see all of your happy positive comments right in front of you. I don't know about you, but that sure makes my day!

Do you approve your comments? Why or why not? I'd love to hear your comments on this! 

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