Wellness Wednesday: Whole30

Well it's time.. for real this time. I am done feeling overweight and sluggish. I am taking the plunge and doing Whole 30. What is Whole 30 you ask? It is a dietary choice to cut out all processed foods, dairy, and grains. Basically eating only whole foods. Things you do not have to alter to make it what it is. Think veggies, fruit, grass fed meats, healthy oils, and spices. Oh and no alcohol! You do this for 30 days and see how you feel. It's a reset of sorts.

When I first looked at the program I got a little nervous. I love yogurt and bread. They are the things I go to when I am lazy and don't feel like cooking. Then it dawned on me, they are easy things to eat, but I never feel good after having them. There is no point in eating something that will make me feel crappy afterwards.

Yesterday was my first official day on the program. I had watermelon, a banana, and black coffee for breakfast. I drank lots of water to fill myself because honestly I was hungry by 9:30am. I also didn't prepare well for my breakfast so I am going to do better today. You can have eggs so I plan to make myself a spinach and egg scramble.

For lunch I had an orange and a steamable bag of spinach. I have been on a spinach kick lately so this was a pretty normal lunch for me. Today I am making tuna salad with avocado, onion, and cucumber. I will put it over a bed of salad. A little salt, pepper, olive oil, and garlic will make this delish!

After work I went to the grocery store to stock up on more essentials so I won't be unprepared for the rest of the week. I picked up grass fed ground turkey. I came home and make a turkey burger, minus the bun seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and hot sauce. I paired that with a spinach, mushroom, and cucumber salad topped with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Also as a treat on the side cut up a sweet potatoes and made roasted medallions. They were so good! I haven't decided on dinner yet for tonight but I'm sure it will be yummy!

So overall, my first impression of the program is, be prepared. If you do not have the proper food you will be hungry and you are more inclined to cheat and eat something you shouldn't. I feel better prepared for today so I don't feel like I will be as hungry and I will get by easier!

Have you tried out this program? How did you do? Did you last without alcohol, bread, and dairy?

Make sure you check out my delish wine cocktail I indulged in the night before the program started. It was SO yummy!

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The Bachelorette: A Cocktail

When I found out R was going to be out of town for a few days I instantly texted one of my girlfriends to plan a girls night. She is also husband-less at the moment so getting together to drink our sorrows away.. okay to drink and watch bad tv, was in order. She has been dying to try out this yummy chocolate based wine she picked up on a wine tour.

I picked up a bottle of bubbly and headed to her place to watch my first ever episode of The Bachelorette. I don't know about you, but if chocolate, champagne, and strawberries doesn't remind you of The Bachelorette, I don't know what will. Well other than drama of course, but we can't put that into a drink. The drink can sure bring drama though. I think.

So without further adieu I give to you our cocktail concoction: The Bachelorette:

1 Part Chocolate Based Wine
1 Part Champagne
Garnish with a strawberry (Or put them in the wine like I did later!)

Not the best photo ever, but it reminds me of a cherry cola!
Oh the drama.. :)

Linking up today with the ladies over at The Sequin Notebook for the Monthly Cocktail Link-Up!

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Feeling Grateful

Do you ever have those moments that really open your eyes? For me it's usually in the hardest times that I realize how grateful I am for the little things. I also realize in those moments how ridiculous I can be sometimes. But it's human nature. We all have those moments that aren't exactly our best moments. Today I am going to focus on the good moments. What about you?

R left early yesterday morning for a business trip. It is his first business trip since we have moved in together. He will be gone for 4 days. I was upset about this at first, but have come to see it as a blessing. I haven't had a minute to myself since we moved in together. Between moving, kids, and events, we have been on the go non-stop.

I stepped back this morning and realized I needed some alone time. I needed time to practice my yoga, lay around in my pajamas, work on my blog, and most importantly a quiet house. I will get 4 full days of quiet. This is huge for me. I came from living by myself in a quiet environment to a house with 2 part time loud kids.

It also brings me to my 1 month point of surviving new things. I have lived here for 1 month and although it hasn't been the easiest transition, I have finally felt grounded enough to get back to doing the things that make me happy. Even though R is away this week, I still have the beautiful flowers he sent to me on Wednesday sitting on the kitchen table to remind me that he loves me.

Now it's time to use this time wisely and embrace the silence. Today I am grateful for the time alone to collect my thoughts and get back to balance. I hope you all have a wonderful week. Keep a grateful heart through it all and it will all be okay.

Ember Grey

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