Bookworm Local Loving

Well folks this is a little late today, but better late than never right? As I was thinking about what I wanted to focus on for today's post, I really thought about my local area again. It has so much to offer and so much to do. A little something for everyone so to speak.

Today I wanted to tell you about a little something called the annual book sale. This is like Christmas for the bookworm. It is literally an enormous warehouse full of books. Full of books that are categorized and sorted by author. It's easy peasy to go in and find what it is you're looking for.. if they have it.

The book sale is brought to us by a group called Friends of the Library. It runs for 3 weekends every May. Prices start at $4.50 and decline in price everyday. This weekend is the final weekend and you can expect to find prices starting at $0.50 on Saturday and $0.10 on Monday. As you probably guessed, the selection gets a little slim as the weekends go on, but if you're lucky or just one of those people who can read anything, you will still walk out of there with something.

I took my mom last weekend for Mother's Day, as she is from out of state and never experienced this before. She is also a big bookworm. The vision of my dad running around behind my mom with a toppling pile of books was enough for me. She left the proud new owner of 8 books and only spent $16.00. She found books she was genuinely looking for which was even better!

I walked out of the book sale with 2 books. One being the ever so popular Husband's Secret in hardcover. It looked brand new. Score! For only $2.00 I couldn't resist. You all know how anything thrifty makes my little heart swell with joy.

So if you love books, love a good deal and will be in the Ithaca area this weekend, stop by and see what gems are left! They all must go, and who better then you? I hope you all have an amazing weekend with lots of joy and laughter!

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May defined

As I sit here listening to the rain fall, I started to think about all of the things I have accomplished already this year. It's hard to believe we are already almost halfway through 2015. I know I am pushing it but really, its May 13th already! I have been keeping a happiness project and May has been kind of undefined. May is a month of adjustment for me.

There is patience to be learned everyday in my new surroundings. I am doing the best that I can.

It also shows how much love I have for R. He is my world and I want to do anything I can to help him get things back on track. Using all of the skills I set for myself each month has allowed me keep calm and stay sane. I have started a wellness journey where I have learned to meditate and practice yoga to help ease my mind. I  have met some new people who make my life better. I have become more organized and learned how to keep a proper planner.

May, may be a month of adjustments, but I feel like I have all the tools I need to get it done. I have grown so much this year already that facing new challenges as these are not going to scare me. I feel healthier then ever and my head is clear. I can make decisions and not feel guilty or confused by them. I can stand up for myself and not feel guilty about it.

It's going to be a great month, and I can't wait to see what June has in store for me. We will be moving into a beautiful new townhouse with lots of land and just enough away from town to feel like we are in the country. We will be 10 minutes from everything yet have a quiet neighborhood. I can't wait to share it all with you as it comes!

I hope you all are having a great May and are feeling accomplished! Happy Wednesday :)

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I'm a year old!

Whew! What a crazy couple of weeks it has been! In case you haven't noticed, The Trish List got a new look over the weekend! (Jenn over at Business, Life & Design did an amazing job!) We grew up.. sorta. May 1st was my 1 year bloggy birthday and with all of the craziness going on in my personal life, I neglected to celebrate my first year of blogging. I am so proud of myself for sticking with this and writing even when things got tough. I would often have moments when I thought "Do I really want to continue on?"

I am so glad I decided to keep writing for you all week after week. I have met so many wonderful people and learned so much from each and every one of you. As all bloggers point out, this can become a full-time job on top of our full-time jobs, whatever they may be. We put lots of sweat and blood into these spaces. Hours are spent on writing, photographing, exploring, editing, and reaching out. I couldn't of done it without all of you! My readers, fellow bloggers, and innocent bi-standers. You all make coming here and writing daily fun and enjoyable!

I can't wait to see what year 2 has in store for me and for all of you. I have lots of ideas and things I keep promising and then push back, but now that things seem to be slowing down for a few weeks I can get some of this stuff rolling! I am always looking for ways to collaborate so please feel free to reach out if you have any ideas!

I hope you all have an amazing Monday and week to follow. I will see you back here Wednesday! Keep on keepin' on folks!

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