Sunday Social Week 2

Hey guys! It's Sunday. And you know that that means.. Another Sunday Social Linkup! I am really enjoying this. It gets me thinking and you all get to learn some nifty things about me! Join in and grab the cute little button From Neely and Ashley!

1. Favorite Genre of Music? 
 I really love it all. I grew up in a house where music was always playing and I have come to love some of all of it. If I  had to answer as to what I listen to on a daily basis it would be top 40. If I had time to go through and make a playlist it would be really crazy all over the place, you don't know what's coming next kind of list.

2. Favorite Genre of movies?
I really like dramas and comedies. I love a good captive story that keeps me interested through the whole thing. Kind of like a book. I wanna know how it ends. Then there is the comedy side where I would love to just laugh through the whole thing until my stomach hurts.

3. Do you watch Reality TV? If so what was the first show you remember watching: I really never got into it. Does American Idol count?

4. Actress you’d want to be BFF’s with? 
Hmm.. Jennifer Lawrence maybe. She seems to be spunky and nutty like I can be at times. I am sure we would just along JUST fine!

5. Actor you’d be happy to be stuck on an island with?
That would have to be Ian Somerhalder for sure! He is one dark and handsome man who also cares about the environment. He would know how to keep me alive!

Have a great Sunday!

Fitness on a holiday

Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A weekly series where I talk about fitness on a budget! Today is a very special day here in America. It is America's birthday! So today I want to talk about ways to stay healthy AND have fun on a holiday weekend.

I know most of you are heading out to a BBQ or other outing with friends and family this weekend. There will likely be endless amounts of food and alcoholic beverages. Here are a few quick tips to enjoy your day out without going overboard.

  • Bring a large bottle of water. You will most likely be outdoors. The bottle of water will not only help keep you hydrated, but will help keep your stomach feeling full. It will help you limit yourself from having that third helping of potato salad!
  • Only fill your plate with what you know you will eat. There is no need to overfill your plate and then either waste food or feel you need to eat it all. Small portions are key here. If you are still by chance hungry after eating, then drink more water. 
  • Limit your alcohol/sugary drink consumption. Use alternatives like seltzer or water enhancers if you need a break from water. Replace soda with seltzer in mixed drinks to help cut out the sugar that come in regular sodas. Read my post on water alternatives (here).
  •  Be active. If there is a game of volleyball going on or swimming, get involved. There is no better way to have fun AND get exercise than to join in a group of others.
  •  Remember to let all the stress go away and enjoy your time off! Spending time around loved ones can always help release some steam and get you refueled and back on track. Laugh until your stomach hurts and then count it as an ab workout! You will thank me later for that one :)
I hope these tips help you stick to your healthy goals over the holiday weekend! Now get out there and have some fun! Stay safe and make good choices ya'll!

Happy 4th of July!

Let's Be Social

Internal Interview

Well here I am. I am up all early and ready to go. I am going on an interview today. Not just any interview, but an internal interview. I don't know about you, but this is more nerve racking than a regular interview. You are probably thinking why?

  • Presentation. I normally wear jeans to work. I love my jeans, but today I need to dress like a boss!  I went through my closet last night to find something young and hip to make me look like a professional. 
  • I am meeting with 3 directors, all of which I already know. I am used to joking around with them or cracking jokes, but this time I need to be on my best behavior and act like the young professional I pretend to be.
  • Competition. I am competing first with my coworkers. Only one of us can get this position. You are always secretly hoping they choke so you look better. Now if we all choke or deem us unworthy they pull in some outside competition. Bring it on!
  • Showing off your skills. This is where you need to be up on not only your interview skills, but the skills they are looking for in this position. Even though I already work for the company doesn't mean they won't find someone better then me to fill the spot. Bummer!
  • Not getting the job. In any other circumstance you walk away and never have to see the place again. In this circumstance I have to go back to work, where everyone laughs looks at me and knows I didn't get the job.
  • Getting the job. You now have to look at your coworkers and pretend you feel bad hat you got the job over them.  Suckers! JK!
  • If you get the job you have the awkward transition where you are halfway doing your old job and halfway doing your new job and you feel guilty on each end for doing said half ass jobs.

What do you think? Is an internal interview more nerve racking then an outside interview? How have you handled them if you had one? Leave me stories cause I love hearing from you all!

Have a great Hump Day and WISH ME LUCK!

Let's Be Social